Chapter 14: System Control


Setting Up System Controls

The System Control section contains programs that let the user establish several pieces of information that form a foundation for all other programs in the system. Included are utility programs available to the system manager for setting up and maintaining Operator Passwords and Program Passwords. Other utility programs will give system status information that the system manager may need to monitor in order to assure proper system operation. A set of utilities allow an authorized operator to change or delete identifying codes (numbers) for Customers, Items, Vendors, G/L Accounts, and Salesmen. Finally, two sets of programs appear on the System Control selector, but are to be used only by the Genesys Systems staff.

The System Control programs should be accessible to "manager" level personnel only.

System File Status

There are over 90 data files active in the GENESYS system. The size (number of records) allotted to many of these files are established when the computer is first installed. As time passes and your company grows, you may need additional records in one or more files. The System File Status program will print or display the current number of records allotted and records used for many key files. This gives the system manager an opportunity to evaluate file needs and prepare for "file expansion".

NOTE: Systems running under the Xenix or UNIX operating system have dynamically expanding data files. This means that files do NOT get full, rather, the files enlarge as needed. You will not require our staff to expand files.

Any one of as many as 40 files may become "full" at any time while the computer is in use. This means that all the records allotted to that file have been used. It does not indicate that all of your disk memory has been used. What is needed is for our Genesys staff to "expand" the file, that is, allot more of the disk memory to the file that is full.

For example, when our systems analyst conducted his initial interviews, you determined that 1,500 customer records was adequate for approximately 2 years of operation. But, several months later, when your operator attempts to add a new customer using the Customer Maintenance program, a message appears indicating that the Customer master file is full. All 1,500 records have been used. Your operators will NOT be able to proceed with processing this new customer (and hence his new order!) until there is space in the file for the new record. You may try to delete some inactive customers in order to regain some of those records. Or, you choose to call the Genesys Customer Service staff to have us expand the file. We will connect to your system by telephone/modem and, with your advice, add 500 or 1,000 additional records to the file. This process takes from 5 minutes to an hour depending on several factors: disk space available, current size of the file, type of file.

If your system manager will periodically run a File Status Report, you can foresee the need to expand a file. With this forewarning, the file can be expanded before it is full, and thus you can avoid an unscheduled halt of processing.

Error Log Report

Occasionally a programming error may occur. During operation of a program a message appears on one of the video screens such as:

ERROR #201 AT LINE 4320

The system returns to the Selector and an additional error message displays.

You should contact Genesys Customer Service as soon as possible. It is likely that you will be unable to continue processing in this program until the error has been corrected by our staff.

The GENESYS system logs each such error in an error log file. The Error Log Report then can be printed at any time and it will list a chronology of all errors that have occurred. The Genesys Customer Service representative can use this report to evaluate the errors. You can use it to insure that you get these problems resolved. You may wish to print it each month.

Terminal Monitor

The system manager may wish to view on the screen the current status of all users (terminals) current active on the GENESYS system. This program displays the terminal number, the operator id, date, company number, and program in progress for each active user. This program is especially helpful when you have terminals installed throughout a large building or in remote locations.

Company Maintenance

You may run as many as nine companies using GENESYS. This program does NOT set up new companies which can only be done by the Genesys customer service staff. This does, however, let you set up and change your company names and addresses. The company name and address appear on printed Pick Slips, Purchase Orders, and Workorders. Also, the company name appears at the upper-left corner of each printed report and on the Selector screens.

Warehouse Maintenance

The system stores the address for each warehouse to be controlled. You may change the warehouse name and address.

Warehouse Master List

You may print a list of the warehouse addresses.

Dunning Messages Maintenance

Your month-end Customer Statements program has a space at the bottom of the form for inclusion of a "dunning message;, a reminder to the customer of a past due status. You can create your own messages for various degrees of delinquency.

Terminal Maintenance

You may type in the location, model, and "port type" for each terminal connected to your system.

The location will show on the Terminal Monitor screen to indicate not only the terminal number that is active, but also the location or name of the user of that terminal.

The terminal model indicates the manufacturer and model number of each terminal.

The port type is used to load the correct terminal interface table for each terminal.

Password Maintenance

You may restrict the use of any program on any selector by attaching a password to it. Then, only operators privy to the password can access the program.

There are eight password levels with password 8 being the highest. With use of the Selector Maintenance program, your system manager can put a digit 0 through 8 next to any program. Then, when the program is selected, a password of the designated level, or higher, is required. For example, Cash Receipts Entry may have a level 3 password and thus any of passwords 3 through 8 would give access to the program.

Some data entry programs also have protected fields and a high level password is needed to change the data in those fields.

The Password Maintenance program lets the system manager change any of the eight passwords. The level 8 password is required to run the program.

There is a level 9 password which is known only by Genesys Customer Service staff members, giving them access to all programs and protected fields as needed to give you support and investigate problems or errors.

Selector Maintenance

This program allows the system manager to change the password level (0-8) required to run any program. If a program is marked with a level 9 password, it cannot be changed.

Operator Code Maintenance

Each operator is assigned an operator code that is required to operate the GENESYS system. This lets the system manager account for proficiency of each operator and to restrict operators from certain selectors or terminals. The operator codes can be used to create a customized selector for any individual operator.

This maintenance program lets the system manager add new codes, or change or delete existing codes.

Move Customer Utility

This utility allows the operator to change or delete a customer number in the Customer master file.

To change a number, enter the "source" number to be changed and the new "destination" number. The utility scans the GENESYS database and changes all occurrences of the source (old) number to the destination (new) number.

To delete a number, enter the "source" number to be deleted. Enter an existing "destination" customer number, a miscellaneous "catch-all" customer. The utility scans the GENESYS database and changes all occurrences of the source number to the destination number as above. In addition, the sales history for the source number is added to the history for the destination customer, thereby retaining accurate total sales history.

The Customer Maintenance program also allows deletion of a customer number, but only if the record has had no activity (history) within the past two fiscal years.

Move Inventory Utility

Move Vendor Utility

Move G/L Account Utility

Move Salesman Utility

These utilities function exactly as the Move Customer Utility allowing an operator to change or delete item numbers, vendor numbers, G/L account numbers, and salesman numbers.

Validate Master Files Utility

At times the Genesys Service Staff or your installation manager will ask you to validate one or more of the GENESYS master files. The validation utility checks all the records in the file(s) chosen and prints any problems. These problems most often arise from an error in the programs or from an incorrect or incomplete conversion when you upgraded from a previous system.

The files that may be validated are the Codes, Customer, Inventory, Salesman, Vendor, G/L Account, and Bill of Materials master files.

You may not be able to clearly understand the printed results of the validation, but the installation manager can point out records that need to be corrected, or a programmer may have to be assigned to clear up a problem.

Validate Transaction Files Utility

This validation utility performs the same task for several of the GENESYS transactions files.

The files that may be validated include the Sales Order header and line items, Purchase Order header and line items, Workorder header, line items, and line item bill of materials, and the Order/Item cross-reference file.


System File Status


There are over 90 data files active in the GENESYS system. The size (number of records) allotted to many of these files are established when the computer is first installed. As time passes and your company grows, you may need additional records in one or more files. The System File Status program will print or display the current number of records allotted and records used for many key files. This gives the system manager an opportunity to evaluate file needs and prepare for "file expansion".

Any one of as many as 40 files may become "full" at any time while the computer is in use. This means that all the records allotted to that file have been used. It does not indicate that all of your disk memory has been used. What is needed is for our Genesys staff to "expand" the file, that is, allot more of the disk memory to the file that is full.

For example, when our systems analyst conducted his initial interviews, you determined that 1,500 customer records was adequate for approximately 2 years of operation. But, several months later, when your operator attempts to add a new customer using the Customer Maintenance program, a message appears indicating that the Customer master file is full. All 1,500 records have been used. Your operators will NOT be able to proceed with processing this new customer (and hence his new order!) until there is space in the file for the new record. You may try to delete some inactive customers in order to regain some of those records. Or, you choose to call the Genesys Customer Service staff to have us expand the file. We will connect to your system by telephone/modem and, with your advice, add 500 or 1,000 additional records to the file. This process takes from 5 minutes to an hour depending on several factors: disk space available, current size of the file, type of file.

If your system manager will periodically run a File Status Report, you can foresee the need to expand a file. With this forewarning, the file can be expanded before it is full and thus you can avoid an unscheduled halt of processing.

You may display on the video screen or print a report of the current status of the data files in the GENESYS system.

The printout or display shows the following:


You are concerned with files that have over 90% of the records used. Two notes you will see: "N/A", not applicable, and "FILE NOT FOUND" which indicates that the application requiring this file is not implemented.

Select Report Options

Press (RETURN) to start the program.

Print or Display

(P)rint on selected printer, (D)isplay on screen, or (END)

Select "P" to print the File Status Report on the printer previously selected. Enter "D" to display the File Status on the video screen.

You may (END) and return to the Selector.

Press (RETURN) to continue display, or (END)

If you display, the first 18 files appear. To continue displaying the remaining files press (RETURN).

You may (END) to return to the Selector.

Error Log Report


Occasionally a programming error may occur. During operation of a program a message appears on one of the video screens such as:

ERROR #201 AT LINE 4320

The system returns to the Selector and an additional error message displays.

You should contact Genesys Customer Service as soon as possible. It is likely that you will be unable to continue processing in this program until the error has been corrected by our staff.

The GENESYS system logs each such error in an error log file. The Error Log Report then can be printed at any time and it will list a chronology of all errors that have occurred. The Genesys Customer Service representative can use this report to evaluate the errors. You can use it to insure that you get these problems resolved. You may wish to print it each month.

Select Report Options

There are no report options for this program. Press (RETURN) to start the report.

Terminal Monitor


The system manager may wish to view on the screen the current status of all users (terminals) current active on the GENESYS system. This program displays the terminal number, the operator id, date, company number, and program in progress for each active user. This program is especially helpful when you have terminals installed throughout a large building or in remote locations.

The following column headings will appear followed shortly by a list of the active terminals.

No. Location Co Date ID No. Name Description

TERMINAL number and location

The terminal number depends on the actual connection of the terminal to the back of the CPU. The terminal location is a field of information that you can enter using the Terminal Maintenance program. It identifies the physical location (room) or the operator' name.

OPERATING company, date, and ID

This displays the company number, the "as of" date, and the 2-character operator's ID that is currently in progress on this terminal. This information is stored when each terminal runs the "Start" program, the first selection on the Master Selector.

PROCESSING number, name, and description

This shows the program number, program name, and program description that is currently in progress on this terminal.

End The Program

Press (RETURN) to continue

After reviewing the list of active terminals, press (RETURN) to return to the Selector.

Company Maintenance

Change Company Addresses

You may type in the company name and address for up to nine companies that may be active on your system. The name and address appear on printed Pick Slips, Purchase Orders, and Workorders. The company name appears in the upper-left corner of each page of each printed report and on each screen of the Selector.

This program does not let you establish a new company. This must be performed by the Genesys service staff.

Change name and address

The cursor is positioned at:

Company number

Enter the company number (1 through 9) you desire to change. If the company is activated, the current name and address appear. If the company is not active a message appears and you must enter another number.

To activate a new company, please call Genesys Customer Service.

1. Name 25 characters

The company name appears in the page headings of all reports and in the upper-left corner of each screen of the Selector.

2. Address 1 25 characters

3. Address 2 25 characters

4. Address 3 22 characters

5. Phone 12 characters

Select a FIELD NUMBER to change, or (END)

If you want to change any of the five fields, enter the number (1 - 5) corresponding to the field to be changed. The cursor is repositioned at that field. Type the new data in the field or press (RETURN) to leave the field unchanged.

End The Program

Select a FIELD NUMBER to change, or (END)

Press (END) when you have completed your work and return to the Selector. All your changes are saved.

Warehouse Maintenance

Change Warehouse Addresses

The warehouse record is used in the Purchasing subsystem. Whenever a purchase order is placed, the operator must indicate to which warehouse the merchandise is to be shipped. Then, the warehouse name, address, and contact name print on the actual purchase order form.

This program lets you add new warehouse records or change the name and address for existing ones.

Add a Warehouse

To add a new warehouse master record, first refer to Codes Maintenance and make sure a Warehouse Code exists in the Codes file before attempting to add it to the Warehouse master file.

Warehouse Code

Enter the 2-character warehouse code. If the warehouse record already exists in the Warehouse file, the record is retrieved and the various data fields are displayed. You may change any field. If the warehouse record does NOT exist, then the next prompt appears.

Note: warehouse code "1" is preset and exists in the Warehouse file in all GENESYS systems.

Do you want to add a new record? (Y)or(N)

You may add a new warehouse record by responding with "Y", otherwise enter "N".

1.Name 25 characters

2.Address 1 25 characters

3.Address 2 25 characters

4.City 15 characters

5.State 2 character code

6.Zip Code 10 characters

7.Contact 20 characters

8.Division 2 char code

If your chart of accounts is divisional, then each warehouse must have a division code. When purchase orders are entered, the operator selects a warehouse code for which to order merchandise. Later, when merchandise is received, a potential posting to Purchases may be made to divisional accounts based on the division code set up for the selected warehouse.

Select a FIELD NUMBER to change, (X) to delete, or (END)

You may select a field number from 1 through 8 to position the cursor and correct any field of data.

When you have finished your work with the warehouse record, press (END) and the record is saved in disk memory. The cursor returns to the prompt "Warehouse Code".

Change a Record

To change a warehouse record, enter the existing 2-character warehouse code. The system attempts to retrieve the record from the Warehouse file and displays the data fields if the record is found.

Select a FIELD NUMBER to change, (X) to delete, or (END)

You may enter a field number from 1 through 8 to change. Each time the cursor returns to this prompt and you may select another field to change.

When you have completed your changes, press (END) and the record is saved in disk memory. Return to the "Warehouse Code" prompt.

Delete a Record

To delete a warehouse record, enter the existing 2-character warehouse code. The system attempts to retrieve the record from the Warehouse file and displays the data fields if the record is found.

Select a FIELD NUMBER to change, (X) to delete, or (END)

Press (X) and (RETURN) to delete the warehouse record. The system will test to be sure that the warehouse code is not currently in use within the system. If the record can be deleted, a short message appears and the record is removed from the Warehouse file. Note: the warehouse code is NOT removed from the Codes file.

End The Program

Warehouse Code

Press (END) to exit this program and return to the Selector.

Warehouse Master List


You may print the contents of the Warehouse master file, namely the name, address, and contact name of each warehouse location in the system.

Select Report Options

There are no report options for this program. Press (RETURN) to start the report.

Dunning Messages Maintenance

Change Statement dunning message

.Dunning Messages Maintenance;Your month-end Customer Statements program has a space at the bottom of the form for inclusion of a "dunning" message, a reminder to the customer of a past due status. You can create your own messages for various degrees of delinquency.

The screen displays the current dunning messages. These seven fields each contain a 50-character message that will print at the bottom of the customer statement form when you print Customer Statements. The system determines the degree of delinquency of the customer and prints the most appropriate message.

Select a FIELD NUMBER to change, or (END)

Select the field number you desire to change.

1.Credit balance
2.Zero balance
3.Current balance
4.Past due 1-30 days
5.Past due 31-60 days
6.Past due 61-90 days
7.Past due over 90 days

Type the appropriate message or press (RETURN) to retain the current value displayed.

End The Program

Select a FIELD NUMBER to change, or (END)

Press (END) when you have completed your work and return to the Selector.

Terminal Maintenance

Change Terminals

The terminal attribute table contains the location, model, and "port type" for each terminal connected to your system.

The location will show on the Terminal Monitor screen to indicate not only the terminal number that is active, but also the location or name of the user of that terminal.

The terminal model indicates the manufacturer and model number of each terminal. Some terminals have additional capabilities that the GENESYS system can use if the proper model information is loaded in the table.

The port type is used to load the correct operating system terminal interface table for each terminal.

Change terminal attributes

The program displays the current attributes of terminals 0 through 59, then prompts with:

Select a FIELD NUMBER to change, or (END)

Enter 0 through 95 to change the attributes of terminals 0 through 95. Only numbers 0 through 59 are visible on the first page of the display. To view beyond number 59 enter any terminal number between 60 and 95.

When you have completed your work press (END).


Enter up to 11 characters to describe the physical location or the name of the assigned operator. This field displays when you run the Terminal Monitor program.


Enter up to 4 characters to describe the model of the terminal.

wy50 Wyse 50
WY60 Wyse 60 contains additional capabilities
6310 Esprit 6310

Port type

Enter a one-digit code that works with the operating system to translate the control codes required for different brands of terminal.

2 HZ1500 emulation
4 TV925 emulation

End The Program

Select a FIELD NUMBER to change, or (END)

Press (END) at this prompt to exit this program and return to the Selector. All your changes are saved.

Password Maintenance

Change Passwords

You may restrict the use of any program on any selector by attaching a password to it. Then, only operators privy to the password can access the program.

There are eight password levels with password 8 being the highest. With use of the Selector Maintenance program, your system manager can put a digit 0 through 8 next to any program. Then, when the program is selected, a password of the designated level, or higher, is required. For example, Cash Receipts Entry may have a level 3 password and thus any of passwords 3 through 8 would give access to the program.

Some data entry programs also have protected fields and a high level password is needed to change the data in those fields.

The Password Maintenance program lets the system manager change any of the eight passwords. The level 8 password is required to run the program.

There is a level 9 password which is known only by Genesys Customer Service staff members, giving them access to all programs and protected fields as needed to give you support and investigate problems or errors.

The level 8 password is required to continue, or (END)

Only the system manager is allowed access to this program. Enter the current level 8 password.

Press (END) to exit the program and return to the Selector.

If the correct password is entered, the system displays the current passwords for levels 1 through 8.

Select a FIELD NUMBER to change, or (END)

Enter 1 through 8 to change any password. Return to this prompt each time a password is changed.

Press (END) when you have completed your work to exit this program and return to the Selector.


Each password is as many as 15 characters.

A blank password is equivalent to NO password.

You may change the level 8 password, but you must use the NEW level 8 password to gain access to this program in the future.

End The Program

Select a FIELD NUMBER to change, or (END)

Press (END) to exit this program and return to the Selector.

Selector Maintenance

Change Passwords on Selectors

This program allows the system manager to change the password level (0-8) required to run any program. If a program is marked with a level 9 password, it cannot be changed.

Change the Required Password

Enter SELECTOR NUMBER (0=Master, 1-58), or (END)

Choose the selector record you want to change. Record 0 contains the Master Selector.

As you enter a selector number, the screen clears and the chosen selector is displayed showing the programs and their respective password levels.

Enter LINE NUMBER (1-20), or (END)

View the list of programs and determine the line number corresponding to the program you want to change.

When you have completed your work on this selector, press (END) to return to the "Enter SELECTOR NUMBER" prompt.


Enter the new password level (0-8) you desire for this program.

Note: You are not allowed to change programs that have a password level 9. These are programs that are to be used only by Genesys staff.

Change the password levels on the lines you desire, then (END) when you have completed work on this selector.

End The Program

Enter SELECTOR NUMBER (0=Master, 1-58), or (END)

Press (END) to leave the program and return to the Selector.

Operator Code Maintenance

Change Operator Codes

Each operator is assigned an operator code that is required to operate the GENESYS system. This lets the system manager account for proficiency of each operator and to restrict operators from certain selectors or terminals. The operator codes can be used to help create a customized selector for any individual operator.

Add a New Operator Code

Select a FIELD NUMBER to change, or (END)

Review the list of Operator Codes and find a line that is blank (does not contain operator code information). Select this line for your new code.

If all lines contain information, remember that their are 48 slots for operator codes and you need to look at page 2 or 3 for an available line. Select a field number greater than 16 and a new page is displayed.

Operator Code

Enter as many as 8 characters. This is a "hidden" code that only one (or more) authorized operator(s) should know. Each operator code must be unique, so if the code already exists in the Operator file, a message will appear and you must enter a different code.


You may enter the name of the operator. Use up to 10 characters.


This 2-character code is normally the initials of the operator. This code appears in the far right-hand column on many of the bookkeeping journals to show which operator entered the transaction. Each OP ID code must be unique and an error message appears if you enter a duplicate.

Assigned Terminals

Each of these five two-digit fields can contain a terminal number (0-95) that this operator is allowed to access. Hence, you can restrict an operator to just a few physical locations. If the operator is allowed access to any terminal, enter "99" in the first position and skip the remaining slots.

Assigned Selectors

Each of these seven two-digit fields can contain a valid selector number (0-58) that this operator is allowed to access. Hence, you can restrict an operator to just a handful of selectors, or even just one selector. If the operator is allowed access to any selector, enter "99" in the first position and skip the remaining slots.

Assigned Company

An operator is restricted to run in one Company only (1-9). Enter the company number this operator will be processing.

If an operator is to process for more than one company, he will need two (or more) operator codes.

Change an Operator Code

Select a FIELD NUMBER to change, or (END)

Review the list of Operator Codes and find the line that contains the operator code information that you want to change. Select this line.

If you do not see the operator code you want to change, remember that their are 48 slots for operator codes and you need to look at page 2 or 3 for the desired code. Select a field number greater than 16 and a new page is displayed.

Proceed to change any field for this operator code. When you finish, the Operator file is updated.

Delete an Operator Code

Select a FIELD NUMBER to change, or (END)

Review the list of Operator Codes and find the line that contains the operator code information that you want to delete. Select this line.

If you do not see the operator code you want to delete, remember that their are 48 slots for operator codes and you need to look at page 2 or 3 for the desired code. Select a field number greater than 16 and a new page is displayed.

When you select a line, the cursor moves to the Operator Code column. To add or change an Operator record you type in the desired code. To delete, you type the word "DELETE" in the operator code field. The entire line is then erased and the Operator file is updated.

End The Program

Select a FIELD NUMBER to change, or (END)

When you are finished with your work, press (END) to exit the program and return to the Selector.

Move Customer Utility

Change or delete a customer number

Occasionally you will want to change a customer number. Almost all the fields in a customer record can be changed using the Customer Maintenance program, but NOT the identifying code, the CUSTOMER NUMBER. A special utility is necessary because the customer number serves as a link within the database and only this utility can scan through the database to change all the occurrences of a customer number.

Also, you may want to delete customer master records. Again, the Customer Maintenance program allows deletion of customer records, but NOT if the customer has had activity (sales history) during the past two fiscal years. The utility is necessary to check for all occurrences of the customer number within the database and change them to a "miscellaneous" number supplied by the operator. Also, to maintain the integrity of the company-wide customer sales analysis, any sales history for the deleted customer is added to the history of the "miscellaneous" customer.

The program begins with a display of the operating instructions.

Press (RETURN) to continue, or (END)

If necessary review the instructions, then press (RETURN) to proceed.

Press (END) to return to the Selector.

Change a customer number

Enter the "source" customer number:

Enter the customer number you want to change. The system retrieves and displays the customer's name, address, and contact name for your verification.

At any time, press (END) to conclude your work and return to the Selector.

Enter the "dest" customer number:

Enter the new number for this customer. The system makes sure the number is not already in use.

You may press (END) at this point to cancel the operation in case you made a mistake entering the "source" number.

The destination customer number does not exist!
Change customer number from source to destination? (Y)or(N)

The system has verified that the "destination" number is available.

Select "Y" to proceed with the change. A "please wait..." message appears while the system scans and updates the database. The process may take a few minutes depending upon the volume of data in your files. A "completed" message appears when the change is concluded. From this point, the "source" number no longer exists. All reference to the customer is now achieved using the new number.

Enter "N" to cancel the operation.

The program again prompts for a "source" customer number. You may proceed to change or delete other customer numbers, or you can (END) the program.

Delete a customer number

Enter the "source" customer number:

Enter the customer number you want to delete. The system retrieves and displays the customer's name, address, and contact name for your verification.

At any time, press (END) to conclude your work and return to the Selector.

Enter the "dest" customer number:

Enter the customer number that serves as a miscellaneous, or catch-all customer record. This number may be one that you use for miscellaneous or counter cash receipts, or may be one that you have set up strictly to receive and retain the sales history for deletions like this. The customer number MUST exist in the file.

You may press (END) at this point to cancel the operation in case you made a mistake entering the "source" number.

Merge source into destination and delete source? (Y)or(N)

The system has verified that the "destination" number exists in the Customer master file.

Select "Y" to proceed with the deletion. A "please wait..." message appears while the system scans and updates the database. The process may take a few minutes depending upon the volume of data in your files. A "completed" message appears when the deletion is concluded. From this point, the "source" number no longer exists. The sales history has been added to the history of the "destination" customer. All occurrences of the source number within the database has been changed to the destination number.

Enter "N" to cancel the operation.

The program again prompts for a "source" customer number. You may proceed to change or delete other customer numbers, or you can (END) the program.

Database files affected

This is a list of all the files within the database that contain the customer number and therefore must be updated.

Customer master Sales Order
Sales Journal Daily Order Register
Profile A/R Manual Post Journal
Open A/R Open A/R payments
Cash Receipts Finance Charge
Card-X Contract Price
Detail Sales Analysis Sales Order UPS
Job Site master A/R Ledger

End The Program

Enter the "source" customer number:

Press (END) at this prompt to exit the program and return to the Selector.

Move Inventory Utility

Change or delete an item number

Occasionally you will want to change an item number. Almost all the fields in an inventory record can be changed using the Inventory Maintenance program, but NOT the identifying code, the ITEM NUMBER. A special utility is necessary because the item number serves as a link within the database and only this utility can scan through the database to change all the occurrences of an item number.

Also, you may want to delete inventory master records. Again, the Inventory Maintenance program allows deletion of inventory records, but NOT if the item has had activity (sales, purchase, or production history) during the past two fiscal years. The utility is necessary to check for all occurrences of the item number within the database and change them to a "miscellaneous" number supplied by the operator. Also, to maintain the integrity of the company-wide inventory sales, purchase, and production analysis, any history for the deleted item is added to the history of the "miscellaneous" item.

The program begins with a display of the operating instructions.

Press (RETURN) to continue, or (END)

If necessary review the instructions, then press (RETURN) to proceed.

Press (END) to return to the Selector.

Change an item number

Enter the "source" item number:

Enter the item number you want to change. The system retrieves and displays the item description for your verification.

At any time, press (END) to conclude your work and return to the Selector.

Enter the "dest" item number:

Enter the new number for this item. The system makes sure the number is not already in use.

You may press (END) at this point to cancel the operation in case you made a mistake entering the "source" number.

The destination item number does not exist!
Change item number from source to destination? (Y)or(N)

The system has verified that the "destination" number is available.

Select "Y" to proceed with the change. A "please wait..." message appears while the system scans and updates the database. The process may take a few minutes depending upon the volume of data in your files. A "completed" message appears when the change is concluded. From this point, the "source" number no longer exists. All reference to the item is now achieved using the new number.

Enter "N" to cancel the operation.

The program again prompts for a "source" item number. You may proceed to change or delete other item numbers, or you can (END) the program.

Delete an item number

Enter the "source" item number:

Enter the item number you want to delete. The system retrieves and displays the item description for your verification.

At any time, press (END) to conclude your work and return to the Selector.

Enter the "dest" item number:

Enter the item number that serves as a miscellaneous, or catch-all inventory record. This number may be one that you use for miscellaneous or non-stocked merchandise, or may be one that you have set up strictly to receive and retain the sales, purchase, and production history for deletions like this. The item number MUST exist in the file.