Toolkit Manual




Point 4 Data Corp





Toolkit Manual







Copyright 1988, 1992


Point 4 Data Corp

PO Box 991090

Redding, CA 96099

(714) 755-6550

Fax (714) 755-6561














GENERAL                                                                               4

TELEMARKETING                                                                 5


AUTOMATIC PAGING                                                          6

COMMAND MODE AND FUNCTION KEYS                         7

2.    PRINT DOCUMENTS AND MAIL MERGE                       11

SINGLE/CONTINUOUS FORMS                                           11

FORM ALIGNMENT                                                              11

3.    DATA BASE FILE DEFINITION                                        12

DIRECTORIES                                                                       13

PROFILE                                                                                 13

4.    BUILD DATA BASE FILES                                                14

5.    DELETE (KILL) DATA BASE FILES                                 14

6.    MAINTAIN DATA BASE FILES                                        15

7.    REPORT & INSIGHT FORMAT DEFINITION                           17

8.    DATA BASE INSIGHT                                                       19

9.    PRINT DATA BASE REPORTS                                         20

10. DATA BASE FILTER DEFINITION                                  22

11. GENESYS FILE DEFINITION                                           24

12. EXTRACT DATA FROM FILE TO FILE                          26

13. MASS DELETE                                                                 28

14. MASS CHANGE                                                                29

15. CHANGE ENTRY NUMBERS                                           29

16. USER MENU                                                                     30

17. CALCULATED FIELDS                                                    34

18. LINKED FIELDS                                                               36

19. IMPORT AND EXPORT                                                   39

20. TELEMARKETING ENVIRONMENT                               41

21. HELP FEATURE                                                               41



















Release 2.0

To be used with the Genesys 3.6 version


Return key is also mentioned as CR key (carriage return…)

FUNCTION KEYS:  if the key is shown with an upper case (ex. F1, F2 etc.) it means that you should touch “shift” key and holding it down, touch the function key  (Ex.  SHIFT KEY &F1 key will be shown as F1), lower key will be shown as F1.  There is a total of (32) function keys on the Wyse 60 keyboard,

MENU:  the words MENU and SELECTOR have the same meaning.  It refers to the CRT screen display with the various selection numbers.



The purpose of the Productivity Toolkit software package is to assist the people in Management with no experience in programming, with a variety of function which are described below.

            Most of the features of this package can be used by a non programmer person, a few require a certain elementary knowledge in programming.

            There are two versions of the Toolkit package:  for the Genesys 3.6 system and for the 3.5 system.  The version described here is for both versions.


n      Mail Merge

n      Text Processing (word processing)

n      Data Base Management

n      Report and Insight Generation

n      Data Import/Export

n      Telemarketing

Features of the Productivity Toolkit include User defined Documents, Files, Directories, Calculated Fields, fields Linked from other files, Filters, Control Breaks and Totals, User Menus with complete integration with the Genesys Files.  The User can define, maintain, insight, report and kill (delete) his own files.  Mass changes, deletions can also be done.

            Insight and reports can be run on non-toolkit files, including all Genesys files.  All files automatically have an unlimited notes (or profile) area where text can be added and maintained for any record in any file.  Profile can be insighted, printed and filtered on.


This is an application created for telemarketing activity:  it includes maintaining scripts, displaying scripts when maintaining data record, lookup of records by any sort field while in maintenance, lookout of records by telemarketer, chaining in and out of both Genesys Insight and order entry from data maintenance.


            The productivity Toolkit is accessed from the Miscellaneous Selector, Selection #1; the Telemarketing module is accessed from the Miscellaneous Selector, Selection #8.  Both Toolkit and Telemarketing can be accessed from each other (Toolkit from Telemarketing selection #5, and Telemarketing from Toolkit selection #15.)

            The Toolkit is divided in two selector, the first on for the main functions and the second one for the Manager functions.  The Manager’s selector is accessible from the main selector by entering #13.  Ending out of the Manager selector returns control to the main selector.



            The Document Maintenance gives the ability to Add, Change and Delete documents.  The document name, along with all other files, field, and format names must adhere to certain rules.  These conventions requires that the name begin with a letter (A-Z), and can contain only letters A-Z, number (0-9), and periods (.).  Lower case letters are not allowed.  The document type must be specified:  the default is (L) for letter.  This can be changed to (S) for script.  Only scripts will be displayed when scripting in Telemarketing.  The window dimensions are the area on this screen which the text of the document will be added and maintained.  The maximum height is (22) lines, the maximum width is (80) characters.  The height plus the upper margin cannot exceed (22).  The width plus the left margin cannot exceed (80).  If there is room on the screen, the program will print a box around the window.  If there is not sufficient room, the box may not print and the reverse video feature of marking the text may not work.  The defaults are (15), (66), (3), (6).


            Automatic paging (Y) or (N):  if (Y) for yes is the input the program will ask for physical page length and a logical page length.  If (N) for now is the input the program will only ask for a physical page length.  These parameters are sued when printing documents and mail merging and they default to the values entered here.  Here they default to (Y), (66), and (54).  (Y) should be chosen, unless printing labels or something similar.

PHYSICAL PAGE LENGTH:  this is the actual length of the form.  Normal paper is (66) lines long.

LOGICAL PAGE LENGTH:  This is the number of lines to printer per page.  The default is (54).  In this example, if the document was (70) lines long, (54) lines of the document would print on the first page followed by (12) blank lines and them the remaining (16) lines would print on the second page.  These fields do not affect the editing window.  The program now goes into the actual text editing mode.  A box may appear on the screen.  Text can now be typed in.  The arrow keys may be sued in this mode to move the cursor on the screen around the box.

            The default modes are EDIT, OVERWRITE, WORD WRAP ON.  To toggle between Edit and Command Modes, hit Control W (touch CTRL key and pressing it down touch W key.  Command mode allows the User to select one of a group of commands available.  These commands, plus more, can also be accessed by pressing the appropriate function key.

            NOTE:  the document maintenance program does not set up the function keys automatically; they need to be set up by the User once per terminal (CRT):  power-on by selecting #00 from the Toolkit Main Selector.  Once this program is run the Functions Keys will remain set up until one of the following conditions occur: a) the terminal is turned Off, the User runs a different Function Key setup program or the User manually alters the contents of a Function Key.


            There are (36) function keys on your Wyse 60 keyboard:  16 of them are used as Upper Case characters and 16 as lower case characters.  The upper F keys are indicated with a capital (F) while the lower F keys are indicated with a (f).

            In command mode the right and left arrow keys may be used to choose the command you which to execute.  When the desired command is lit up, pressing Return Key (CR) executes that command.  The two letter mnemonic of the command may also be typed in.  To return to the Edit Mode, either press “Control W” or the up arrow key.

Here are the commands that are available for execution:

n      F5 - shift F5 - (not available in command mode).  Insert character:  inserts a character in the text of the document.

n      F6 - shift F6 - (not available in command mode).  Delete character:  deletes a character from the text.

n      f5 “SD” Scroll Down:  scrolls the display down.  If there is a line of text below the text already on the screen, it is now displayed

n      f6 “EX” Exit and Save.  Exits text editing mode and returns to Document Maintenance Mode.  The document text is saved and stored in the disk of the computer.

n      f7 “AB” Exit & Abort.  Exits text editing mode and returns to the Document Maintenance mode.  All text added and changes made are abandoned and are not stored.

n      f8 “MK” Mark Text for Cut Marks the current line for cutting.  The first item that is executed, the current line is marked.  The second time will make all lines form the first marked lined up to and including the current line.  In other words, to mark a  of group lines, mark the first and the last line:  when f9 “CU” cut is executed, all lines will be removed from the text and placed into the selected paragraph buffer.  (see “CU” cut and “PA” paste).

n      F9 (shift F9) “CU Cut Text.  Cuts marked text is places it in selected paragraph buffer.  The program prompts for paragraph name.  Default is “PAR.nnnn” where “nn” is the port number.  To inquire and delete paragraphs, enter “?” when at paragraph name.  All cut lines are removed from the document.

n      F10 (shift F10) “PA” paste text.  The reverse of cut:  it allows text that is in a paragraph to be pasted into the document.  This also asks for the paragraph name.  The paragraph selected must exist.

n      F11 (shift F11) “SE” Search for Text.  Prompt for text to search for.  The program will place the cursor on the first occurrence of the selected text after the current position, or at the end of the document if none found. 

n      F12 (shift F12) “SR” Search and Replace.  Prompts for text to search for and text to change to.  If found, replaces with text to change to.

n      f9 “IL” Insert Line”.  Inserts blank line into document.

n      f10 “DL” Delete Line.  Deletes line from the document.

n      f11 “RF” Reformat.  Closes up gaps in paragraph in document.  A paragraph in this sense is all lines from the cursor down, until the first blank line is encountered.

n      f12 “SU” Scroll up.  Scrolls the text on the screen up one line.  If there is a line in the document above the displayed text, it will now be displayed.

n      f13 “BR” Break Line.  Breaks the line at the cursor into two lines.

n      f14 “PG” Page Down.  Pages down the document one full page.  In this context, a page is full screen of text.

n      f15 “UP” Page Up.  Pages up the document one full page.

n      f16 (not available in command mode)  Center Line.  Centers the text in the line.

To toggle between overwrite mode and insert mode, press CTRL-F (control key together with the letter F on the alpha keyboard).  When in overwrite mode, characters typed in will write over text that already exists in the document.  In insert mode, characters typed in will be inserted in the document, with the text at that position being moved to the right.  No text is lost. Words can be pumped off the line onto the next line.  When toggling back to overwrite mode from insert mode, the program automatically executes an “RF” reformat.

            To toggle word wrap, press CTRL-V (control key together with the letter V on the alpha keyboard).  There are three modes available:

a.      WORD WRAP ON:  in this mode, when typing text, if a word is typed over the end of a line into the next line, the word will be moved to the lower line automatically when the first (SPACE) or (CR) is hit after the word.  The right margin will be made smooth by automatically adding extra spaces in the line.  If typing in text, and the first character on a line is a space, that will signify not to word wrap, but the space will not be added to the document.

b.     WORD WRAP OFF:  in this mode, characters typed in will stay exactly where they are typed. Words will not be moved.

c.      c.  JAGGED:  this mode works the same as Word Wrap On, except that spaces are not added to lines to force a smooth right margin.  In all modes, “RF” reformat will force a smooth right margin.

                        To force a page break anywhere in the document, enter the word page in between pointy brackets <> or square brackets [].  The word PAGE can be in lower or upper characters.

            To print today’s date, enter the word DATE in point or square brackets and print the date in the MM/DD/YY format where MM represents the month (01 to 12), DD represents the day (01 to 31) and YY represents the year.

            To print the date in the form Month DD, YYY:  enter the word DATEZ in brackets.

            To MAIL MERGE fields from a file in a document, enter the field name surrounded by point or square brackets.  If entered in pointy brackets, the data will print as is.  If entered in pointy brackets, then trailing spaces will removed from the field, and the data will be converted to upper and lower case.  The first letter of each word will be in upper case, and the rest of the word will be in lower case.  Also, if field is blank and there is nothing else on that line in the document, then the line will not print at all, but an extra blank line will be added lower in the document.

To MAIL MERGE variables in the document, enter the following format:

                        FIELD type (3,4,5,6,7), comma, field length, comma,

                        field title, surrounded by point or square brackets.

A variable is a data field that will be input from the keyboard when the document is printed instead of from a data file.  The same formatting rules apply as to file fields.  Up to five variables can be entered in a document.


To use printer attributes, the escape sequences (both lead in and out) need to be assigned using the “U. PRITNER” program (available from SCOPE (#) or the SHELL ($)).  To access a printer attribute, type the text to have the attribute surrounded by curly brackets {}.  For example, if a word is to be printed in bold print, and attribute (1) is set up for that, enter left curly bracket, 1, word, right curly bracket.

            Documents are stored as text files.  No control characters are stored.  The actual name is “F.L. NAMExx” where name is the given document name and xx is the company number.  The logical unit number used is the one for file #101.




This program is used for printing documents and merging documents with data from file and the keyboard.  A discussion of files, filters, and sort fields will be found late in this manual. These features  work the same here as they do in printing data bas reports, extract, mass changes and mass deletes.

            To print a document without mail merging, do not enter a file name.  To print a document with mail merging, enter a file name after entering the document name to print.

            The Toolkit “HELP” feature may be used at the document, file, and filter fields in this program, as well as the document name field in the document maintenance program.  This will also be discussed later in this manual.


            If (S) is chosen, then the program will prompt the User to hit return after printing each page.  If ( C ) is chosen, then the program will not do so.  Default is C.

            Automatic paging and physical and logical page length are discussed earlier under “Document Maintenance”.


            If (Y) for yes is chosen, the program will print a page number below each page, on the third line before the end of the page, assuming there is at least three lines between the physical and logical page lengths.  The page number will be printed in the middle of the line.


If (Y) for yes is selected the program will print the document once with start(****) in all the data fields for testing the alignment.






This program is on the manager’s selector, Selection 1.  The file name and field names have the same naming conventions as do document names.  The following are valid field types:


n      3 justified alpha numeric string

n      4 left justified alpha numeric string

n      5 Numeric

n      6 Date. (6) character string input in the form MMDDYY and displayed in the form MM/DD/YY.  Length is automatically set.

n      7 (Y) or (N) field.  Length is automatically set to 1.

LEGNTH MASK.  For types 3 and 4, enter the number of characters in the field.  For types 5, enter the mask.  Masks are entered in the form of a one place decimal with the format optional minus sign, number of digits to the left of the decimal, period, number of places to the right of decimal.  For example, to specify a number that can be positive or negative, with up to seven characters to the left of the decimal and up to two characters to the right, enter the mask as follows:



To specify a six digit number that will always be positive and have nothing to the right of the decimal place, enter “6.0”.  A numeric field cannot have more than ten digits total, or a length greater than twelve (10 digits, sign and period).