Chapter 2a: Master Files

Entering essential company information

A data file is an organized area of memory (disk) that contains information of a similar nature. It is often thought of as a filing cabinet that might contain folders for each of your customers, for example. The filing cabinet is equivalent to the computer data file and the manila folder in the filing cabinet is equivalent to the computer record.

The GENESYS system uses many data files to store information. There are two types of files: master files and transaction files. Master files contain the essentially permanent information about customers, inventory items, salesmen, vendors, and general ledger accounts. The transaction files contain more changeable things such as sales orders, purchase orders, cash receipts, and accounts payable invoices--things that are constantly changing from day to day.

The information that is stored within these data files must enter the system essentially the same way in all cases--by data entry. This means an operator using the video display terminal and keyboard, with the appropriate program, types in the information. The program serves to guide the operator in making accurate entries. In the case of orders from customers, the operator will use the Sales Order Entry program and for cash received, the Cash Receipts Entry program.

For the master files, this data is entered using the master file maintenance programs. These maintenance programs may be accessed by two different ways: either from the Master Selector or using the SHIFT "F" keys.

One maintenance program exists for each of the master files: Customer, Inventory, Salesmen, Vendor, and G/L Account. The maintenance program lets an operator "maintain" records--add a new one, change information in an existing one, delete an existing one, or just review the contents. And each maintenance program operates in a similar manner, so they're easy to operate once you have learned any one of them.

Each record in a master file has an identifying code or number that is your means of retrieving the record at any time. Each identifying code must be unique--there cannot be duplicate records. An example is the CUSTOMER NUMBER, a six-character (letters and/or numbers) code that identifies each customer record in the Customer master file. When you maintain a master file record, you must first specify the identifying code for the record you wish to maintain.

Each record contains several (as many as 40) fields of information. A field is simply an identifiable piece of information. For example, the TELEPHONE NUMBER is a field in the Customer master record. Each field has an assigned number (1-40) that lets the operator easily select which field is to be maintained. When a new record is added, the program leads the operator through input of every field.

When you finish maintaining a record, press (END) and the new information is saved in the memory (disk) replacing the old information.

It is important to note that the system will prevent the operator from performing changes to certain fields. This is a protection of the validity of the information that is stored by the system. It does not want anyone to change numbers without going through the proper procedures and thereby creating the proper audit trails.

Also, the system prevents deletion of a record that is currently in use within the system, or that has been used during the current or prior fiscal year. The master file records retain historical data that should not be deleted.

If an identifying number for an active master record must be changed or deleted, use the Change or Delete Utilities available on the System Control selector

For each master file, a master list program exists to print the contents of the file onto paper. Such a printout is useful to check the accuracy of the information in each record. It is also a means for looking up needed information when you don't have a video terminal and keyboard available. The master list programs include Report Options which can improve their use--the Customer Master List can be printed in salesman sequence, for example.

The next section describes the essentials of operating the maintenance programs. Following that, you will find instructions regarding the fields in each of the master files--the name, size, and use of each.

Adding a New Record

You may (A)dd, (C)hange, or (D)elete a record, or (END)

Select "A" to add a new record. The word ADD appears in the upper right corner. At the left, the cursor is positioned for typing of the identifying number--CUSTOMER, ITEM, SALESMAN, VENDOR, or G/L ACCOUNT NUMBER.

Identifying number

Type the desired identifying number. Each record must have a unique identifier. If you try to add one that already exists, you get an error message. Change your new number to one that does not already exist.

Field name

The cursor moves sequentially to each field name and waits for your input. The dashed line shows how many spaces are allowed for the field. If you type too many characters, you get an error message and you must try again. Also, if you type letters in a strictly numeric field, you will get another message. And, if the field is one that is verified in the Codes file, you may get a message if the code entered is not a valid one. After each input, remember to press (RETURN) and the cursor moves to the next field.

If you discover that you have made an error, you can reposition the cursor to fix the mistake in either of two ways. One, you can continue to input all fields, and, when finished, the system asks if you want to change any fields. Specify by number the field you want to change. Or, you may reverse a field by typing the reverse key (;) followed by (RETURN). This makes the cursor move back one field. You can continue to reverse until you're back to the field you want to change.

You may get a message:

"The selected code is not in the Codes file"

Many fields use the Codes file to verify your input and thus prevent errors. If you are not sure of your code options, press (?). A list will display. Simply arrow down the list and press (RETURN) to select the appropriate code. Also, you may go into the Codes Insight program by pressing F7 to quickly view them. If you need to create a new code you may do so by pressing (SHIFT F7) to access the Codes Maintenance program.

Select a FIELD NUMBER to change, or (END)

You may type a number corresponding to a field that you want to . The cursor moves directly to that field and allows you to retype the data, or to press (RETURN) to leave the data unchanged. If you want to erase the data, press the (SPACE) bar once, then press (RETURN).

Each time you change a field, the system again asks you to select a field number to change, or (END). Press (END) and (RETURN) when you are finished with the record. The record is saved on the disk. Now the record is available whenever you supply its unique identifying code.

Changing an Existing Record

You may (A)dd, (C)hange, or (D)elete a record, or (END)

Select "C" to change an existing record. The word CHANGE appears in the upper right corner. At the left, the cursor is positioned for typing an identifying number--CUSTOMER, ITEM, SALESMAN, VENDOR, or G/L ACCOUNT NUMBER.

Identifying number

You may either type the identifying number of the record you want to change in this field or you may type (?) and the window will appear for you to select from. The window lists customer numbers and the respective customer names. To get a listing of all customers, alphabetically, enter (.RETURN). To get a listing of customer names beginning with "American", for example, you may type in (AMER) and (RETURN) and all names will appear that begin with those four characters. Inventory item numbers typically begin with numeric characters. Therefore, when selecting from the window, you may type in one or two of the beginning numbers and (RETURN) and your listing will appear to select from.

Select a FIELD NUMBER to change, or (END)

Just as with the ADD option, you may type a number corresponding to a field you want to change. The cursor moves directly to that field and you may retype the data, or press (RETURN) to leave the data unchanged. If you want to erase the data, press the (SPACE) bar once, then (RETURN).

You may want to change several fields in succession. Type the reverse key (;RETURN), then the desired field number. The cursor moves directly to that field for your input. But then, rather than asking for another field number, the cursor passes to the next field for input, just as if you were ADDing a new record. At any field, press (END) and the cursor will move back to the select field number message.

When you have finished changing fields, press (END) and (RETURN) to save the record on the disk, replacing the old information.

Deleting an Existing Record

You may (A)dd, (C)hange, or (D)elete a record, or (END)

Select "D" to delete an existing record. The word DELETE appears in the upper right corner. At the left, the cursor is positioned for input of an identifying number.

Identifying number

You may either type the identifying number of the record you want to delete in this field or you may type (?) and the window will appear for you to select from. The window lists customer numbers and the respective customer names.

To get a listing of all customers in alphabetical order, enter (RETURN). To get a listing of customer names beginning with "American", for example, you may type in (AMER) and (RETURN) and all names will appear that begin with those four characters. Inventory item numbers typically begin with numeric characters. Therefore, when selecting from the window, you may type in one or two of the beginning numbers and (RETURN) and your listing will appear to select from.



Do you want to delete this record? (Y)or(N)

Review the information displayed for this record. Is it the record you want to delete? If it is, type "Y". If you don't want to delete the record, type "N" and the record is unchanged.

The system checks the various transaction files to assure that the record to be deleted is not currently active. It also checks for any activity (history) during the current and prior fiscal years. After a short wait, the system indicates if the record was deleted, or if it could not be deleted. If you're not sure if the record was deleted, try to change the record using the same identifying number.

Special Notes Regarding Maintenance Programs:

Record locking:

A feature of the system is a technique of "locking" a record while it is being changed. It is equivalent to removing a manila folder from the filing cabinet--no one has access to that folder until you are finished using it and have returned it to the filing cabinet. It prevents two or more operators from attempting to change a record simultaneously, which results in the loss of some of the changes.

While you are accessing a maintenance record, other programs may not be able to retrieve that record. Hence, quickly complete your work and exit the maintenance program when you are finished so that other operators aren't inadvertently stuck while waiting for a record to be unlocked.

Protected fields:

Many data fields are protected and cannot be changed because an audit trail is not provided. Some fields can never be changed, others can be entered when adding a new record, but subsequently cannot be changed. Under certain conditions, these protected fields may be accessible, perhaps only during the initial set up stage of your system.


If protected fields are made available, they require the established level, or higher, password for operator access.

Additional screens:

The master file may have more than 40 data fields and thus requires an additional screen or screens to display and maintain the additional data. The Customer Maintenance program, for example, has additional screens to maintain HISTORY, LETTER PROCESSING, and PROFILE information.


Simply select the field number corresponding to the name of the additional screen. The new screen of information (for the same record) displays and you may change fields on that screen. When finished, press (END) and the system returns to the original maintenance screen.






















Codes Maintenance

Add, Change, or Delete Codes

GENESYS uses a technique for validating and converting data that is input by operators. In as many areas as practical, the input fields are codified to one-, two-, three-, or four-character fields which are validated upon input, thus improving accuracy and consistency, while saving keystrokes. And you, the end user, are free to establish these codes specific to your business.

Currently, at least 24 such input fields have been coded. Couple this with validation of master file identifying numbers (customer, item, vendor, G/L account, and salesman numbers) and we see that "data-in" should be quite free of keying errors.

Review the following list of valid code types. An unlimited number of actual codes can be established for each code type. Many are pre-set and you need only to add or remove a few specific to your company.

As you proceed with creating data for your other master files, you will note that many fields are verified in the Codes file. Thus, it is important to establish codes for coded fields before you get too far into writing the data entry worksheets.

Adding, changing, or deleting codes is accomplished using the Codes Maintenance program. It will display the valid code types and allow you to choose one code type to work with. Existing codes within that type are displayed, then you may add new codes, or change or delete an existing one. Each time the resulting list of codes is redisplayed for your verification.

Some code types require more set-up than simply the code and a brief description. These will be discussed in detail.

Remember that codes can be added later, after the system has been implemented. To retain data integrity, codes may not be deleted if they are currently in use within the system's data base. Therefore, before a code may be deleted, the Codes Maintenance program will check the necessary parts of the database to verify that the code is truly no longer in use.







A Add-on charges for sales invoices and P/O receipts

B Inventory Asset
C Source of new sales orders
D Departments for separating payroll expenses
E Billing terms for sales and vendor invoices
F Ship via (freight carrier) for sales orders and P/Os
G Freight terms for sales and purchase orders
H Notes
J UPS zones for calculating shipping charges
K Workman’s Comp
L Labor (payroll)
M Inventory material type
N Inventory units of measure
O F.O.B. location
P Inventory product classifications for sales analysis and pricing
Q Customer price categories
R Customer classifications
S State abbreviations
T Divisional accounting categories
U Customer tax codes for posting sales and sales tax
W Inventory warehouses
X Customer contract groups for pricing
Y Inventory commodity groups for pricing
Z Profit and Loss categories for accounting


This code type appears in the Order Shipping Confirmation and Purchase Order Receiving Confirmation programs. Add-on charges are additional, miscellaneous, non-merchandise charges that are "added on" to an invoice after the merchandise subtotal and sales tax (if applicable). The most common is FREIGHT. A thirty-five character description may be established with each code, and it will print on the invoice to describe the charge to the customer.

Add-on charges are captured and posted to the general ledger by individual account numbers. Therefore, for each add-on charge code, there must exist a general ledger account number. The link between the account number and the add-on charge code is the cross-reference (XREF) code in the general ledger master file record which MUST be encoded using the following format:

ADD xx

XX represents the two-character add-on charge code





Example of Add-on Charges:



Code Description Charge Number 0/1/2/3/4


FI INCOMING FREIGHT 0.00 0.00 2.00

F OUTGOING FREIGHT 0.00 0.00 1.00


R RESTOCKING CHARGE 0.00 0.00 0.00




A default 35-character description may be set up. When you add a charge to a transaction, the add-on charge description may be entered and will print on the invoice.


A default charge amount may also be set up so that during invoicing or receiving, when a charge is added, this figure will appear as the charge amount. It may then be overridden by the operator.


Leave this number zero unless you will be using the Warehouse Processing selector that allows certain shipping and receiving tasks to be performed in the warehouse.

The Shipping Entry and Receiving Entry programs list up to six possible add-on charges. Indicate which charges are to be listed and in what order by entering a number between one and six.


Since add-on charges may be used for both sales orders and purchase orders, you may restrict the use of a code:

0 the add-on charge may be used for both sales orders and purchase orders

1 for sales orders only

2 for purchase orders only


3 for purchase orders where the incoming freight is considered a Landed Cost and will be billed by an individual shipper. This cost will then appear in a separate A/P-Pending account. The X-Ref Code for this additional A/P-Pending account will be "APPEND" plus whatever the landed cost code is (APPENDI or APPENDFL, etc.)


4 for purchase orders where the incoming freight is considered a Landed Cost but was shipped by a common carrier and not a particular shipper. Therefore, this charge will be invoiced by the vendor and will appear in the usual A/P- Pending account.



Example of G/L "X-Ref" set-up:


Code Description Acct# X-REF









This code type appears only in the Inventory Maintenance program, field #21. Inventory asset codes are two characters and are linked, by using the proper cross-reference (X-REF) code with the corresponding asset accounts for inventory on the general ledger.



For example, the inventory asset code FG (for finished goods) will be the cross-reference (X-REF) code IVFG for the inventory asset account, Inventory - Finished Goods, by setting the correct flag in System Installation, Change Company Control Flags, (A)ccounting.



Genesys allows you to choose how you want to track your inventory transactions on the General Ledger:



- You may have just one inventory account to track the transactions


- You may have individual accounts to track purchased, produced, issued, scrapped, etc.


- You may have accounts that track the transactions by warehouses




For example, a company that wishes to have all inventory-related transactions flow in and out of one account will use the following code:



G/L Account Description X-REF Code


Inventory IVFG



or, they may have a separate inventory account for each material code:


G/L Account Description X-REF Code


Inventory - Finished Goods IVFG

Inventory - Raw Materials IVRM

Inventory - Non-Stock IVNS

Inventory - Scrap IVSC





However, a company that wishes to have all inventory-related transactions flow in and out of individual accounts will use the following example:




G/L Account Description X-REF Code

Inventory - Finished Goods IVFG

Inventory - Finished Goods - Beginning Balance IVFGBB

Inventory - Finished Goods - Purchased IVFGPU

Inventory - Finished Goods - Produced IVFGPD

Inventory - Finished Goods - Issued IVFGSL

Inventory - Finished Goods - Adjustments IVFGUS


Inventory - Raw Materials IVRM

Inventory - Raw Materials - Beginning Balance IVRMBB

Inventory - Raw Materials - Purchased IVRMPU, etc.





This code type appears only during Sales Order Entry. By noting the SOURCE of each order, a month-end analysis report called the Source Analysis Report can give valuable insight into the effectiveness of sales calls by outside salesmen, business shows, advertising campaigns, and other marketing devices. Review a sample of the Source Analysis Report before devising codes. This code is not required for building any of the master files.







Code Description

M Mail
WN National Watts Line
WC California Watts Line
PC Phoned by Customer
PS Phoned by Salesman
X Telexed
GS Gift show orders
CM California Magazine add



If you have chosen to implement the Payroll module, then separating employees by department will provide better information regarding payroll expenses. Payroll reports may be printed in department sequence, and they provide subtotals for each department. The department code is a mandatory three-character code.

The payroll module is integrated with the general ledger and payroll expenses are posted by department. Therefore, for each department code, there must exist three general ledger accounts, salary/wages expense, payroll tax expense, and 401(k) pension expense. The link between the account numbers and the department code is the cross-reference (XREF) code in the general ledger master file record which must be encoded as follows:

LABORxxx for salary/wages expense

PRTAXxxx for payroll tax expense

PENSNxxx for employer contributions to employee
401(k) pension plan

where xxx is the three-character
department code

The Employee master file records require input of the DEPARTMENT CODE, so be sure to establish these codes in advance of writing Employee worksheets.


Labor Tax Pension
Code Description XREF XREF XREF

001 Shop LABOR001 PRTAX001 PENSN001
002 Warehouse LABOR002 PRTAX002 PENSN002
003 Shipping LABOR003 PRTAX003 PENSN003
004 Accounting LABOR004 PRTAX004 PENSN004
005 Sales LABOR005 PRTAX005 PENSN005
006 Officers LABOR006 PRTAX006 PENSN006


This code is required in the Customer and Vendor master file records, and during Sales Order Entry, Purchase Order Entry, and Vendor Invoice Entry. Billing terms define your agreement with customers and vendors regarding the expected payment of each transaction between the two parties. If you have extended credit or have been extended credit, then prompt attention to payment terms assures the future credit relationship between the parties.

When you establish each TERMS code, you may set up a fifteen-character description which will appear on pick slips, invoices, and purchase orders. You must also indicate the number of days from the date of invoice that the net amount is due. This is termed net days. You may also allow a cash discount percentage when the invoice is paid within a specified number of days from the invoice date. These are termed cash discount percent and discount days. These three numbers must be set up for each TERMS code.


Disc Disc Net
Code Description Pct Days Days

2 2% 10 Net 30 2.00 10.00 30.00
N2 Net 20 days .00 .00 20.00
N6 Net 60 days .00 .00 60.00
N3 Net 30 Days .00 .00 30.00
C C.O.D. .00 .00 1.00

EC Error Correction .00 .00

The system also has provided for prox terms. This means that the invoice becomes due on a set day of the following month, unless the invoice date is after the month-ending cutoff date, in which case the invoice is due on a set day of the second following month. To set up prox terms, enter the code and description and cash discount percent as with other terms code. For the discount days and net due days, enter the day of the month as a decimal fraction.


Disc Disc Net
Code Description Pct Days Days

P Net 10th Prox .00 .00 .10
P1 1% 10th Net EOM l.00 .10 .25
P2 1% 9th Net 10th Prox l.00 .09 .10

GENESYS uses these codes to automatically establish customer and vendor invoice due dates, cash discount amounts and discount dates. Accounts receivable transactions are listed in DUE-DATE rather than INVOICE-DATE sequence.

Establish TERMS codes before writing Customer or Vendor worksheets.


A 15-character description prints on the customer's pick slip and invoice documents, on the purchase order sent to vendors, and displays on Insight screens.

Discount percent

Enter the eligible cash discount percent. For example, enter 2.00 for 2%.

Discount days

Enter the number of days from invoice date that the eligible cash discount is available. If no discount, enter zero.

Optionally, you may set up a day of the month that the eligible discount expires. Enter this day number as a fraction. For example, if the discount expires on the 10th day of the following month, enter 0.10.

Net due days

Enter the number of days from invoice date until the net invoice amount is due.

Optionally, you may set up a day of the month that the net invoice is due. Enter this day number as a fraction. For example, if the net due date is the 25th of the following month, enter 0.25.


The ship via code is required in the Customer and Vendor master file records and during Sales Order Entry and Purchase Order Entry programs. It is converted to a fifteen-character description which prints on pick slips, invoices, and purchase orders, and specifies the carrier selected to deliver goods. It is a two-character code.

When setting up a customer or vendor master file record, determine the most likely freight carrier for any transaction between the parties, and establish the corresponding code as the standard ship via code. Whenever a sales order or purchase order is entered, the ship via code for that transaction will default to the value in the specified customer or vendor record, and then may be overridden, if necessary.

On any single transaction, the ship via code may be overridden with a zero (0) which will allow the operator to type a fifteen-character ship via description that is not in the Codes file. Therefore, the ship via code "0" is reserved and should not be used when you set up ship via codes.

If you choose to implement the UPS subsystem, any ship via code beginning with the letter "U" must be a United Parcel carrier. The system detects the leading "U" and adds one or more cartons to the UPS Manifest when a sales order is confirmed for invoicing.

Establish the SHIP VIA codes before writing customer or vendor worksheets.





Code Description



A 15-character description prints on pick slips and invoices, and on purchase orders.


i.freight terms code; The freight terms code is required in the Customer and Vendor master file records and during Sales Order Entry and Purchase Order Entry programs. It is converted to a eight-character description which prints on pick slips, invoices, and purchase orders, and specifies the freight billing terms when goods are delivered. It is a two-character code.


Code Description



An eight-character description prints on pick slips and invoices, and on purchase orders.




This two-character code is used to categorize the types of notes (profiles) being input for customers, vendors, inventory items or employees. For example, notes on customers might be categorized by Prices, Collection, History, Service Calls and Telephone Numbers.





Code Description


1$ Customer Prices

1C Customer Collection Notes

1H Customer History Notes

1P Customer Profile Notes

1T Customer Telephone Numbers


2P Vendor Profile Notes

2T Vendor Telephone Notes


3P Inventory Profile Notes


4C Canned Messages

4M Master Notes


5 P Payroll Employee Notes




Once the note codes are established, notes are entered by one of four ways:



bullet Profile field (#41) in Customer, Vendor or Inventory





bullet Profile and Notes from the Miscellaneous menu




bullet Collection Notes Maintenance in the Accounts


Receivable program.


Once you are in one of these programs, the (A)dd, (C)hange, (D)elete, (R)eview, (L)ast page and (N)ew profile options will appear. Select (N)ew profile to enter the correct note code (category). These same notes may then be viewed from the respective Insight screens.















If UPS processing is implemented, then each shipment via UPS will require a UPS ZONE code. This is a two-character code. It is stored in the Customer master record so that it can automatically be added to a customer's order when the ship via begins with the letter "U" (UPS, UPS Blue, UPS Red, etc.).



Code Description Seq Col

2 0.00 0.00
3 1.00 0.00
4 2.00 0.00
5 3.00 0.00
6 4.00 0.00
7 5.00 0.00
8 6.00 0.00
12 7.00 1.00
14 8.00 1.00
15 9.00 1.00
23 10.00 2.00
24 11.00 2.00
25 12.00 2.00


This value defines the position the code holds in the UPS Rate Table file and has been established by the Genesys staff. If you add a new zone code, simply look for the highest sequence number already in use and add one, thus making the new code the new highest sequence number.


This value defines the column in which the zone prints on the UPS Manifest Summary page.

0 Ground Service

1 Second Day Air

2 Next Day Air

If you add a new zone code, select the column in which the code should be summarized. You may want to get help from the Genesys systems analyst before you add a new UPS zone to the Codes file.



K...WORKMAN’S COMP (Payroll)

Please refer to the payroll manual to see how this code in used.


L... LABOR (Payroll)

Please refer to the payroll manual to see how this code in used.